No, not the gays, silly.
In case you don't know, (and I honestly hope you don't,) furries are people who dress up in animal costumes (see below) and then have sex. They even have conventions and shit. There's actually a hilarious satirical documentary of a furry convention on YouTube.
THANK GOD I've never seen furry porn. You never know where it might pop up, and I'm always careful with the links on porn sites. That's something that you should never have to see.
Now, I know there are sicker fetishes out there, like pedophilia, bestiality, and mutilation. However, I think the difference is that THOSE ARE FUCKING ILLEGAL. People are allowed to be furries, and they try to be proud of it. Listen up, furries: Just because you're different from most people, doesn't give you the right to be proud.
I don't know why everyone on the w3bz hate furries so much. They're just... infuriating. They always seem to have a persecution complex that would make D. James Kennedy proud. Every time I read a post by a furry it's always "Oh, everyone hates me just because I dress up in fursuits and look at hentai." Well, they're fucking annoying. They are the Scientologists of the internet world. Everyone thinks, "Oh they can't be that bad," but when they meet one, they think, "OH GOD THEY'RE THAT FUCKING BAD."
Speaking of PETA: Fur is for animals. Wear your own skin. Especially when you're having sex, you goddamned furries.

1 – 200 of 633 Newer› Newest»Just so you know kiddo, Furries are a group of people such as gays, lesbian, nudists, straight people, or just interested people in being covered in a hot sweaty suit for entertainment purposes, I find that by studying people such as furries I conclude that they are NOT a SEXUALITY. It is a group of people or an orgasnization such as Hot Topic, or the Army and such, so please do not discriminate furries as a sexuality if you want to discriminate them discriminate them as an organization. Thank you.
gays, lesbians, nudists, straight people, and even pedophiles all have something in common. they do not find the idea of sex with animals appealing.
furries are outside this group.
yiff in hell
I am a good drawer who wants everyone to know his art over the Internet to buy and sell. I have a paginate web and a lot of places, if you want to contact then send me a message.
Another point about furries is that not all of them dress up. I am a furry, and i don't at all feel the need to do such a thing. Personally i find it kind of pointless, but i don't hate them for doing it. But there is nothing wrong with enjoying "furry" art. It has yet to cause me any trouble with my life. If fact i have met many people that share the same opinion about it that I do. Something like this shouldn't bug you unless they have tried pressuring you into doing it as well. That, I think we can agree would be wrong. And trust me, there are BIG differences in bestiality and furry. I'm not saying bestiality is right; but the differences is significant enough that I think most furries would agree with me. If you hate the idea so much, then take a chill pill and forget such a thing exist. Furries are people to, and have every right to exist as the rest of us.
Hello, I am powerful horse and I think that the furry is already turning into a constant perversion. I am an erotic artist pwero I support a line of conduct in my art that does not disturb not transgrede with the ethical beginning, they accused me of artist gey for, now my name was cleaned although they hate me gay for leaving them in overdraft with all his perversiones, I do not hate them but if those bother me that you try to pervert others, I belong to Argentinian and I met a group those who were those who me made go away of fa that were harassing me in person and others for msn and I am hetero and they knew it. they were saying to me that I had to be gay to be a pride for them as they it are other artists. This group is an union Argentinian's Furrys that are doing disasters with the others.
For esoi I decided, together with others that spent for the same things to found the Union free Furry where it is quite a harmony and nothing dirty and the yiff stays to responsibility of every person. . http: // is the direction. Alguyien that that to do so that there does not get lost the little that stays of dignity furry. I earlier was not furry, now I want to be the different one where the human values are not trampled to every moment, it but of everything the fact is that they jumped me above, the community gay but they themselves do not do anything to change his image since they keep on harassing and try to turn heteros in gay or bisexual thing that they themselves lose the respect of the world. Later marches of pride do gay but it would be good that take with pride his sexuality and they endure of such form that they them respect the world. Perhaps this they cauga badly but think what I say, In fa apollan the paedophilia and the same managers are in accordance with that. If a massive page abala that that we can hope from the furry more than to turn a weapon of destruction of minds. I am an uncle, and I him am prohibited fa for this case for which they instead of raising the art furry, the unden increasingly.
Only I hope that no of his children and minor relatives she should become gay for whom a pervert harasses it with roleplays or harasses it sexually in person, as spend to me alone that I was strong and the rechaze, but they not all have this force or turn into a sexopata that's why as already I discovered and helped to go out of that
Im sorry, but i i didn't understand most of i am afraid i don't have a reply as i do not know your view on the subject.
All furry world have many lies in them and his integrants are gays bisexuals or wardrobe bisexuals and gays and his integrants play with the inocent people hearts , so Yiff and Go to Hell Furfags !!! and ex furries too !!
so, let me get this want to waste time being mad at something trivial, thought so, got it. You know, i hate many things as well, but i chose the high and more intelligent road by not letting everyone know about it. insulting something wont make it go away. furries will be around forever, and unfortunately so will bestiality, pedophilia, and other things such as that. but i would hope that humanity would grow a bit more so people like you can get a clue. but i dont see that happening in my lifetime. but just like you mike, i hate these things and find it wrong, but i will never insult someone on it. to sum it up, deal with it. most furries dont care what you think, and care even less about you existence knowing that you dont like them. so quit acting like a child and get over yourself, kay. its not like you can do anything about it but annoy others with your complaining.
keep it up son. Good work
Furry is a term that is too broad and you've picked one very simple definition for the term. What you've described are mostly fur suitors. If you haven't done the appropriate research than you should state your ideas as opinions, not as facts. Here’s a better description: From my experiences online I have found that many furries want to dress up in fur suits and many of which do so for sexual gratification.
There’s another problem: You’ve stated you have not seen furry porn. Do you even know what it is? You can’t know something is wrong until you have ruled it out of being right. Posting about a topic you know little about leads me to believe you ripped your ideas from some anonymous driven forum with notorious fur postings of both anti and pro origins, perhaps 4chan.
If you are not a furry, have never actually met a furry in real life, or have only read online postings of why furries should “yiff in hell”, then you really don't have any reason to talk about them.
I know quite a few furries and what you describe them as is actually a very small percentage. It’s like saying all black people rape and steal. You are accurate about one thing though. Most of them are annoying. Then again, so are Anime Nerds, Trekies, Engineers, and Mathematicians.
Stating your personal opinions as facts leads to ethical problems. You're too young to understand this now, but later in life you'll began to open up, hopefully, and realize that such hate speeches will result in stereotypes which turn to bigotry and violence. I'm sure you'll first laugh at my post now and that is expected. At that age I used to criticize Christians as being ignorant, now I better understand why that was wrong. I was becoming close minded but as I aged I slowly began to see it and I was able to change.
If you want people to take your ideas seriously, you need to learn to apply a level of open-mindedness towards each subject you write about. I’m not saying you should watch Disney cartoons and develop an interest in anthropomorphic foxes, but at least know what it is. Education is important. Good luck.
Nick, you're wrong about one thing: Furries don't necessarily dress in the fursuits and have deviant sex. That's just ONE subsection of the furfa--*ahem*, ANTHRO community that likes to do that. Most furries sit around and look and badly animated pr0n (not even hentai, as most of it is drawn western-styled) of humanoid animals engaging in some form of mating ritual, AKA "yiffing". The furries' daily activity mostly seems to be hanging out on furry communities on Livejournal (a known habitat for furries) or searching for blog posts like this one, where they can complain about the fursecution and write dissertations on why everybody and their kids would be better off if they all became furries and started yiffing in trees with each other. Of course, what you FAILED HARDCORE to mention is that furry pr0n usually contains one or more elements of deviant sex, involving bondage, homosex, shota (but no loli; says a lot about the community, eh?), and weird interspecies RAEP. I prefer to look at normal pr0n, because I doubt I'm going to sex any woodland creatures anytime soon.
Yiff in hell.
You're a blithering idiot.
Furries are not just people who dress up in costumes and fuck each other, (which personally I think is damn weird) and by the way you are so actively against them, it would seem that your trying to cover your own fears of being one...
Wow, somebody's got it all wrong. First off, I'd just like to tell you that I'm a furry; a damned proud fox furry, to be exact. Second off, I'd like to say that I do not own a fursuit, partake in bestiality, or even find it arrousing. The latter two are only associated with the approximate <10% of the fandom. The >90% of us, myself included, have our heads screwed on right, and are disgusted by these acts. Maybe you'd have known that, had you done your research and not just listened to what the media tells you, eh? Case in point, here: learn your shit before you say something. I gotta tell you, it works absolute WONDERS.
Also, scientology? What, are you kidding? That has got to be the dumbest argument you could POSSIBLY bring to the table. It's just some fake religion created as a joke. If less than 10% of the furry fandom is into bestiality, there can't be all that many furries who believe in a phony religion.
Let's get to the big point: You absolutely SUCK at providing good evidence to support your claims. Jimmy Kimmel (if that's the "documentary" of which you speak) = not a good source of solid evidence. The news (actually, this one is rather surpising) = biased reporting with the advantage going to the negative stuff, especially if you watch (and the name is SO ironic in this scenario) FOX News. If you don't know the facts (and I mean first-person account, I've-seen-it-and-know-it kinda facts), then just don't talk shit. Until you can provide some serious-business evidence as to how the fandom is SOOOO bad, then you are just another run-of-the-mill idiot.
We furries are going to be around for a very, VERY long time. Sadly, the <10% of the freaks in our ranks will be sticking around, too. My advice: get used to us. We're not going anywhere. And besides, it's not like we're trying to make you tag along and be friends with us. Nobody's trying to enlist anybody. Nobody cares what you think of us. Just because you don't like us does not provide adequate reason to write a blog complaining about us.
So that's what I think of your blog. Next time, be a little more informed, eh? Hasta.
-Fenix the Fox
It's a shame of how ignorant people get when they talk about furries. As it was previously said, a small percentage of furries do partake in conventions and dress up, but a VERY small percentage. I'm a furry myself, and damn proud of it. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it, and just because you may find it weird doesn't mean you need to rant on and on about it; no one is pulling you into being a furry, so quit bitching about it. I'm part of a furry community, and a VERY large percentage of them don't like bestiality, or any of those other things, but I've never once heard them rant on about "how wrong" or "disgusting" it is. I, myself, am not into bestiality, but I don't complain, and I still show respect for any and all of those that do.
Also, as stated before, get your facts straight before you even attempt to start an argument like this.
But for the other furries here: Isn't it a shame that somewhere along the lines, what we really believe got twisted into the undeserved bias thst we get today? But despite all the negativity we get, furries are here to stay for a long time. Get over it, and move along with your life.
You think so?
You have much to learn, mister.
I don`t have a fetish, or like furry suits! You could still call me furry, why? I still like animals. Unlike someone! Puny human...
You think so?
You have much to learn, mister.
I don`t have a fetish, or like furry suits! You could still call me furry, why? I still like animals. Unlike someone! Puny human...
ok well furry stuff is not really wrong in anyway to me sure yeah teh sex stuff is kinda odd but antrho animals themselves look awesome anyway. and i have been developing a video game which has 12 races 6 being furries or antrho creatures and well extracting them from the game would ruin 40% of my 7 years of work. and honestly if this game is released well i would be the one out of very little who even throw anthropiods in games. theres stuff like star fox and what not but all im saying is furries are interesting and cool. plus playing a human in every game out there would get preety gay
ok well furry stuff is not really wrong in anyway to me sure yeah teh sex stuff is kinda odd but antrho animals themselves look awesome anyway. and i have been developing a video game which has 12 races 6 being furries or antrho creatures and well extracting them from the game would ruin 40% of my 7 years of work. and honestly if this game is released well i would be the one out of very little who even throw anthropiods in games. theres stuff like star fox and what not but all im saying is furries are interesting and cool. plus playing a human in every game out there would get preety gay
Hmm. You can't really consider furry-ism as a sexual orientation, considering there are straight, gay, and bisexual furries.
Some furries are interested in bestiality, though.
Furries suck.
not all furries are into getting dressed up in a fursuit being a furry could mean as little as liking the art style, and it is pretty cute
Furries are people just like you and I. They are NOT a sexuality. I know a furry and he is as straight as a ruler. Also, I want you to prove that Hell actually exists.
You know what I think is funny... I bet those who started this aren't even looking at this anymore and also those who judge furries I think are stupid because for one this blog is probably the only time they've talked with someone on the subject and they just seem to be exactly like the racist biggot against black people and gays or homosexuals and aren't open minded enough to see why people like it but that's ok because they probaly won't ever get it and everyone should be fine with that because we will go on living our lives and one more thing obviously you care what people think if you posted on here but whatever
This Is Just SICK !
Furries Are People With Strong Spiritual Connections With Animals, And Its Their Own Will To How They tell people That - Art, Yiff, ect.
I'm Not Really A Fury But Have A Strong Spiritual Conection To Animals, you Got A Problem With That ? THEN FUCK YOU !
Furies Have Equal Rights, just as Animals Do, And Its Because of you BASTARDS Some Animals Are EXTINCT !
get A God Damn Life. Furies Are Good Natured, Sane, People Who Just Want To Express Themselves In Some way...
If You DONT have A Spiritual Connection With An Animal And Want To Expres That...DONT INSULT THOSE THAT DO...and out of that 90% [ Fenix the Fox ] I bet More Than Half Are Hiding From EVIL BASTARDS LIKE YOU !
So Instead Of Telling Furies To "YIH"..>Why Dont You Just Grow The Fuck Up !
- Not Saying my Fury Name 'Cos I dont Have One.
[Ps. Furies Have Equal Rights]
OOps, lil problem with my post above...I'm Not actually shouting at Fenix The Fox...oops
Sorry :)
To the anti-furries: Get your facts straight. I don't blame you, but you're being influenced my media hype. It's honestly nothing like that.
To the furries: STOP MAKING ARSES OF YOURSELVES! You make me embarrassed to call myself a furry! I'm not talking about what is mentioned above, I'm talking about getting into petty little flamewars! If they don't want to get the right idea, fuck them! Enjoy what is good about being furry, and stop giving us a reputation of whining whenever we're misunderstood even in the slightest! Argh!
Saying furries are a disgrace because of the 10% Fox was talking about is like a homophobe saying the human race is revolting because of gays.
Geeez, this is rediculous. A furry could be someone who likes regular anthro art. It doesn't have to have sex in it. Why does everyone have to rag on them just because some of them have wierd fetishes.If you really want to do that at least only go after the people who are doing that not all of us.
Okay, I came across this site because I am searching google trying to find out why PETA is against furries. I am a furry, I am a vegetarian, and I've always liked PETA.
PETA stands for: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. they're against ANIMAL ABUSE and WEARING REAL FUR.
furries wear fake fur and we are not an animal abusive group.
I don't get it.
You know what's funny? Your lack of understanding of the term "furry"
You take it as a derogatory word directed and Yiffy art. Not all furries are attracted yo yiif (such as myself)
I'd rather yiff in hell; than pretend to be something that I'm not.
I used to call myself a "furry." Then I realised that most furries were revolting because of their persecution complex, insistence on making up stupid ANTI-English words(in this way they are no worse than standard otaku or /b/tards), and the fact that most of them are gay. Thank God I eventually escaped!
Heck, they only get persecuted because they ACTIVELY choose to belong to this "fandom"
I got sick of being associated with fetishes I don't have; ultimately, I just liked the look of anthropomorphic characters.
The biggest problem with a term like "furry" is that it's huge and amorphous; it means different thigs to different people. A quick rundown of more specific terms:
Anthro / Kemono -- A human or human-like character with distinct animal physiological characteristics. For example, anime catgirls, Bugs Bunny, or Zoidberg.
Zooter / Fursuiter -- The thing you were talking about. The pervs in costume.
Zoophile -- Some are furries, some aren't. Polite term for "bestialist".
Furry Lifestyler -- Someone who takes some aspects of the furry fandom as lifestyle choices, possibly up to and including wearing costume at all applicable times, calling himself an animal, making animal noises in place of interjections, and other assorted faggotry.
Otherkin -- Someone who believes he was something else in a past life, usually a dragon or a werewolf.
Yiff Artist -- Someone who draws anthropomorphic characters having sex with eachother. This can be combined with any sort of depraved fetish, possible or otherwise.
I say stop using the word "furry" to describe just one of these things (many furries on the defensive like to claim the Anthro/Kemono as their only definition when confronted on their disgustingness).
I also say stop using the word "furry" to describe all of these things, because it's clear that confusion can't be avoided while doing so.
I'm agnostic, and I dont really give a damn about stuff like this, but its really getting on my nerves. I dont see the problem with being a "furry". If you're going to hate on us then you might as well call yourself a racist. Sure you say "that's a different story" but if you can like blacks, mexicans, or other kinds of people (not saying I dont like them=D) you really shouldn't hate on us. Yes I can agree dressing up in weird outfits and then having sex in them is weird but its a way of expressing ourselves. I dont do it but I really like the art. So why dont you guys take your head out of your ass and then drop it. Furries are going to be staying around for a long time so...Up your,suckas
Lets make fun of a sexuality... Skateboarders, they like to ride on wooden thingys with wheels and fuck eachother with them, ive never seen a skateboarder or a skateboard.
Yeah makes about as much sense as saying furrys are a sexuality.
I am a furry myself and i don't care really what you have to say.I mean why take your time to show what you hardly know about.
I probably wont wear any suit because when you wear one of those suits your just making yourself public.I also noticed that a lot of furries are... well nerdy and such not that that is a bad thing it's just bad when people praise something too much it has negative effects on one life such as being antisocial and such.
Oh ya i almost forgot I don't believe that hell is real.
I believe in a heaven.
I'm A furry and I've been one since I was fifteen It's six years now and I'm still straight. So you people thinking furries turn gay or bisexual is wrong. Ontop of that I found it funny with most of the comments here since some people apparently hasn't seen majority of art and just looked from one site. The other thing is that not all furries are as evil as you state it is. Your best friend could be a furry and you'd never know. Just knowing he was a furry, would that really change your friendship? The friend never tried to push on you to become a furry now did he/she? No because the person accepts your friendship and wouldn't try to force you to do things you don't want to do or be.
Look at all these lost kids who keep doing their persecution complex as if they were the main mental defense they have.
Which is always the same thing.
"Furries aren't all equal"
"You can't tag us all"
"Fuck you"
Furries, you are all equal.
That's why I quit the fandom.
Yiff in hell.
This is failure. Epic, Epic failure. You're accusing furies of being a group of porn obsessed perverts, yet, you've never seen furry porn...
You can find porn ANYTHING. If it exists, THERE IS porn of it. Welcome to the Internet!
Accusing furries of being porn obsessed perverts is like accusing all Christians of supporting racism, torture, violence, murder, and hypocrisy based off of the acts of the Spanish inquisition in 1478. It's ridiculous.
I'm a furry. Let's talk.
Look, I'm straight... but I do acknowledge the fact that the majority of furries are bisexual or gay. That's just how it is, and I'm completely cool with it.
Fursuits, to my knowledge, are rarely used for sex. From what I've seen, it isn't even physically possible to have sex in most them. And even if they were only for sex, why do you care?
Being a librarian, I believe that people have the right to do as they please. I may not be a fan of it, but as long as I don't see it in the streets, I don't care. That's how I look at everything.
For example, I present this very blog. I completely support your right to this blog, and I have no intention of spoiling your fun. However, I also have the right to examine your argument and confirm what is true while debunking what is myth.
I do concur that furry art is influenced by deviant sexual behavior, especially bondage. But really, if you don't want to see it, don't go looking for it. I guarantee you, as just stated before by the last comment, there is porn of it. I kid you not, I found a website completely dedicated to animal characters sneezing. Trust me, it's out there. Don't go looking.
Onto the emo furs. Furries like helping other furries with their problems. It's like crack for us. We like cuddles. It's all about the cuddles. Furries who whine on the internet either get adorable cyber-cuddles, or we tear them apart like rabid Rottweilers out of the need for survival.
There are, indeed, differing types of furries. I'm the kind that's into the porn and cuddles. I write furry porn... in the comfort of my own home and away from everyone. I am not proud.
I think that's about it. I've presented the facts as they are to the best of my knowledge.
So, after all of that scholarly stuff, I bid you good day. Enjoy your dead blog you pathetic little hick. May heavy objects rain upon your head, and may your family tree one day split. There are gene pools and gene puddles, you sir, are from the shallow end.
Go read a book or something...
If you wish to respond to this, go ahead and email me at
Don't worry, I can take it.
Hello You can burn in hell along with Fred Phelps, your hatred is causing you to have so much angst. Loosen up
I discovered Furry Fandom several years ago I just I can say have a lot of variety, not only on the sexual roles, also in social and individual sides.
Message to @Powerful Horse:
Everyone here didn't understand your words and You're just a hater that want to keep attention to yourself. Please take English lessons.
Out of thousands of fetishes, why do people hate Furries the most? I'm pretty sure the ratio of non-Furries to Furries that actually want to fuck an animal falls more to the side of the Non-Fur. Given that the majority of Furs are straight (most of the time as bonded mates) and there are a lot of really desperate, toothless hicks in the south with nothing but pigs and free time... you can see where I'm going with this.
Most Furries want to fuck other Furries, just like bondage people want to fuck other bondage people, and scat freaks want to eat the shit of other scat freaks!
So what if we like to fap to images of anthropomorphic characters fucking each other? It's no stranger than you watching porn on Redtube and jerkin' it to some chick going ass to mouth while sloppily eating tapioca. I personally think it's disgusting, but I don't condemn anyone for it.
But the "Yiff in Hell" thing... I sure hope I do. I'll be getting laid after I die, and you wont be getting any ass in heaven.
PowerfulHorse?? THis Power:
Oh Man! that's the worst kind of furry, one furry who hates furrys, is like a Back man in the KKK. . . C`mon!
LOL! I'm Paul for anyone who don't understand what Furry is, and I'm the 'doggie' for the furries and other understanding people in this town :P And I don't like the idea of having sex in costumes, I like to be hated by ignorants and ... *cough* I like girls ;)
This topic is dumb, first of all. You only stereotype furries based on the whole yiff factor and forget to include that we're just normal people. I'm a furry and proud to be one, got a problem with that? Well too bad, I don't give a damn! And it's up to the person to choose if they want to wear a fursuit or not. It is fun though, and the attention we get is amazing. It's like being a celebrity almost, having your picture taken with so many people. And yes, we have conventions, so what? And another thing, nobody said anything about having sex with an animal, or in a fursuit. That's up to whoever wants too, but that doesn't mean the whole furry fandom does it. I could go ahead and say that people in the anime fandom are the same way, dressing up in cosplay and doing yaoi, yuri, and hentai. And what's really stupid is, at the end of a convention, we get ambushed by stupid pastors, and dumb cults from the church coming up to us and trying to convert us, when it's ridiculous and stupid, and meaningless! And just so you know, us furries have our own fun, just by hanging out with each other in general. We do regular people stuff, like have parties, play games like Munchkin, Fluxx, DotA, Earth Eternal, and we go to dinner meets at nice restaurants, or just socialize in general. Get your facts straight people, because the media is gonna suck you in so badly you won't be able to get out of that black hole.
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